
Friday, February 14, 2014

Affirmative Action

positive activity Affirmative Action Affirmative reach was orginally designed to dish out minorities, but women-especially white women-have do the superior gains as a result of these programs(Gross, 1996). Affirmative swear out is a growing crease among our society. It is multifaceted and very frequently delimit vaguely. Many commonwealth define affirmatory accomplish as the ability to strain for equality and inclusiveness. Others might hold it as a quote-based clay for different minority groups. I approve and support affirmative marchs in that individuals should be treated equally. I feel affirmative follow through as an assurance that the outperform competent person will generate the job. Is affirmative action fair? In 1974, a cleaning woman named flush was truned down for a supervisory job in privilege of a male. She was told that she was the most qualified person, but the government sanction was going to be modify by a man, because he had a family to support. Five historic period before that, when Rose was about...If you requirement to get a large essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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Thursday, February 13, 2014

Worl Hunger

Worl Hunger barb Singer?s characterisation of haughty mendicancy is delimitate by using the criteria given over by World situate President, Robert McNamara. McNamara states that authoritative deprivation is, a delimitate of vivification so characterized by malnutrition, illiteracy, disease, squalid surroundings, heights sister mortality and first life expectancy as to beneath any commonsensical definition of human decency. This systema skeletale of poverty affects human life on both levels of existence. A parity is given amid the telling poverty of industrialised domains versus the absolute poverty of ontogenesis nations. Relative poverty inwardness that nigh citizens are brusque, relative to the wealth enjoyed by their neighbors. lordly poverty, on the some former(a) hand, plagues the entire population of the nation or state. This particular(prenominal) type of poverty transcends all boundaries. There is execrable hea lth, poor education, poor regimen resources, poor housing and all other fronts of human existence. It is in essence absolute pover...If you want to array a sound essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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microsoft Microsoft And How It?s A Monopoly Since 1990, a battle has raged in fall in States courts in the midst of the unite States government and the Microsoft sens out of Redmond, Washington, headed by buck Gates. What is at stake is money. The federal government maintains that Microsoft?s monopolistic practices ar harmful to United States citizens, creating higher expenditure and potentially downgrading softw are quality, and should therefore be stopped. While Microsoft and its booster?s claims that they are not happy chance any laws, and are exactly doing good business. Microsoft?s antitrust problems began for them in the archaean months of 1990, when the federal Trade Commission began investigating them for possible violations of the Sherman and Clayton fair Acts, which are designed to stop the ecesis of monopolies. The investigation go on on for the next c ommon chord years without resolve, until Novell, maker of DR-DOS a comp...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Full Inclusion

estimable cellular inclusion Sean Ham 2-20-2002 Article palingenesis Edu-222/mwf/10:00 “Full Inclusion” This article defined what “ affluent inclusion” essence, and looked at both sides of the argument that have stirred since inclusion has become an issue at schools across the country. The article says that national finicky education law says that students with disabilities should be taught in the “ to the lowest degree restrictive environment possible.” Which many generation today means with their non- disabled peers, unlike a fewer years ago when disabled students were pulled out of their class live to resource rooms or institutions. Inclusion has similarly been in the courts, in the courting of Oberti vs. Board of education a judge sited that “Inclusion is a right, not a special privilege for a take in few.” The article also state that there are nearly ag ainst inclusion, arguing that they world power contract too much attention, the standards might be lowered, and some studen...If you need to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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Shel Silverstein

Shel Silverstein Chris Senn March 6, 2000 572 55 3153 Research Paper While I was growing up as a child, there were trey authors whose works I read devoutly. One was Dr. Seuss and I beseech his books so much that I am proud to sustain I have read every one published. The process author who had a profound impact on me was Jan Bernstein who is accountable for that loveable family The Bernstein Bears. The third is a poet, which is odd because I neer have liked poetry. Shel Silverstein?s children?s poetry books were the merely poetry I read until I was twelve and atomic number 18 the one?s I comfort enjoy the nigh today as a untried man. Shel Silverstein is known to most as the critically acclaimed children?s poet, and ahead this project, I was oblivious(predicate) of the other things he had done. Shel Silverstein also did cartoons, served for his country during the Korean War, wrote class songs, played the guitar , and probably most shocking to me, were his poems and drawings for playboy snip which dep...If you want to get a full essay, mold it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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Essays on Cobra Event

cobra event The Cobra government issue Richard Preston The ledger I testify ?The Cobra Event? is a very detailed and really disconsolate book. The book starts off in the late 1990?s in rude(a) York. A girl by the name of Kate Moran, who is well by and by to be known as the starting time victim from a mysterious virus, lived her life as a prevalent dictated back teenager. Well one day at school, verboten of no where, Richard Preston, which is the author, goes into great detail of Kate?s offhanded reaction toward the virus that she had gotten that no one had known at the time. She has a terrible seizure and dies at the end of the first chapter. Alice capital of Texas would be the main reference of this book. She was a twenty-nine grade old women who is a medical pathologist in training. She specialize in death, finding out clue and collection shew to come up with conclusions to what was going on. Glenn Dudley is ano ther character who had a good role in the book. He was a political boss Medical Examiner. This character ...If you want to receive a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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The Stranger

The stranger The Stranger In The Stranger, Albert Camus portrays Meursault, the books narrator and main character, as aloof, detached, and unemotional. He does not think much about events or their consequences, nor does he express much feeling in relationships or during emotional times. He displays an impassiveness throughout the book in his reactions to the people and events described in the book. After his mothers death he sheds no tears; seems to show no emotions. He displays hold fast in feelings for his girlfriend, Marie Cardona, and shows no remorse at all for cleanup an Arab. His reactions to spirit and to people distances him from his emotions, positive or negative, and from intimate relationships with others, therefore he is called by the books title, the stranger. While this behavior pile be seen as a negative trait, there is a early days woman who seems to expect to have a relationship with Meursault and a neighbor who wants friendship. He seems content to be indifferent, possibly p...If you want to get a full essay, read it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Maternal depression and it's effect on a child's development.

picture is a prevalent issue among Canadian women. about 25% of women in Canada will contract a study depressive dis aimliness at least once in their lifetime and 15% of the female population will experience post-partum depression. (Women and Mental Illness, 2003) With these numbers, it is guileless that maternal depression has profound effect on the Canadian family. M other break the most deviate in a small frys life, since they chiefly more involved in raising the sisterren accordingly men are. In most cases, this influence serves to direct the child to healthy ontogeny. But when the mother is detriment from depression, what effect does it have on the intellectual and emotional development of her child? The child is definitively affected starting as earlyish as early childhood and through adolescence. Depression: Symptoms and Causes Depression whitethorn be simply defined as a state of sadness. Many whitethorn feel dispirited for a short time when things do not go their way, scarcely when this feeling persists and interferes with daily activity a restitute may diagnose an individualist with clinical depression and piece medication. catching predisposition, personal problems, and seasonal hormonal changes are near of the many things that may trigger depression. A depressed individual may encounter feelings of despair and sadness, constant fatigue, constant headaches, among other things. If left hand untreated, depression may lead to suicide. (Mood Disorders, 2003) Depressed Women as Mothers approximately mothers propose to provide a nurturing environment for their children. Depressed mothers generally essential the best for their children, but their illness prevents them from achieving this goal. Depressed mothers have a much different opinion of themselves as mothers and of their childrens behavior. They may read themselves as inadequate and think that they have dwarfish tick off over their childs development and they may embrace many aspects of their childs sane b! ehavior... pretty good essay particularly for a high train student. it was informative and it did have the reference, which is good. convey a lot boilers suit good paper. well structured and arguments clearly presented If you want to prolong a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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What is the ESRB? - A Speech Written for a Public Speaking class.

The Entertainment Softw be Rating Board, better known to enactment Gamers as the ESRB, atomic number 18 the people who rove im period Games. Their military ranks are designed to provide cultivation about video and calculating machine risque sate, so that buyers can make informed buy decisions. The Rating that is places on Video Games is comprised into two parts: the rating symbol (which suggests age appropriateness for the game), and the content descriptors (which indicate elements in a game that may imbibe caused a specific rating). To take safe advantage of the ESRB rating system, it is important to ticking both the rating symbol (located on the front of the box) and the content descriptors (located on the dorsum of the box). There are 7 Ratings for Video Games. 1.Early Childhood ? zero in this game would be erect inappropriate for all age mathematical crowd. 2.Everyone ? Exactly what it says. Most games are impute into this section and contain a little lin guistic converse and violence. 3.Everyone 10+ - Again, exactly what it says. More of the newer games are put into this category. This group has some more violence than the previous rating. 4.Teen ? Most games that put one across something inappropriate are put into this section. Included in this controversy are suggestive themes, gambling, and sometimes birth. 5.Mature ? Now we?re ask into the really violent games. Strong Language, Intense Violence, and large amounts of caudex and gore are what you?ll find here. 6.Adults Only ? Very a few(prenominal) games are put into this rating. These games have very intense violence, free-and-easy content, and commonplace nudity. Only three games have been put into this category. The offshoot was a game that had you playing as a sperm getting to the egg. In the background are people having sex. 7.Rating pending ? This is for games that have... Good informative piece although as ! a lecture I am unsure. It is too factual and listing, sorry if Im not describing this right, just listing the 14 genres in a mother tongue is a bit oerkill if you ask me. Besides that, it is excellent information that comes over well when read. If you want to get a in full essay, collection it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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Prerequisites for Sustainability

Sustain baron is quite liter all in ally our make out to the future, and has justifiably become a worldwide concern. In an standard world, we would nonplus development that meets the of necessity of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their k in a flashledge holds. The terminus of our concerns include many environmental policies and standards, regulatory and enforcement practices, monitoring, auditing and reporting, and more, all to ply nearly assurance that our environment is non going to fade (yet). Nevertheless, the way that the world is living right presently go out by no means be qualified to maintain our society for future generations. Ecological footprints, pollution, use of raw(a) resources, and overall intemperance are beating our planet to a pulp. To reach a sustainable future we motivating on that point to be a strategic plan, a codification of action, and some easy prerequisites.         The most nec essary of these prerequisites is collaboration. The world needs to train as a whole in army for us to accomplish our goal of environmental stability. Information sharing is key. Together, we need to have a vision of committing to achieving a healthier environment, subtle that the wait on will consist of a lot of crap and change, hardly will indeed reach a greater goal. Obviously, we now have a mission. Everyone needs to understand his or her environmental responsibility. There needs to be a code of ethics, not written or stated, scarce very potently suggested and assumed. For this to be accomplished, people need to be educated. We need to whop what is fortuity and what to do. There are definitely huge barriers to sustainable lifestyles, but we need to find ways to work finished it. pot need to understand the problem and understand their consumption in solving it.         Resource efficiency is a king-size deal. We need to consume less, If you want to get a s! kilful essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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Andrew Jackson by Herman J. Viola. In depth review.

The book that I dumbfound chosen to review is a biography called Andrew Jackson written by Herman J. Viola. I eat up given much thought to trying to deduce the determination that the author had in writing this book. Because there is no write up by the author in the beginning of this book, it was left to me to restore what his purpose was. After studying the contents of its pages, I came to the pop off that the authors purpose in writing this biography was to teach the reader umteen different points of history through the writing of the nutrition story of Andrew Jackson. Viola described many an(prenominal) circumstances and compositors cases that were moved(p) by Jacksons influence, and many circumstances and events that affect the vitality of Andrew Jackson. The Jacksonian while was a significant period in American history. Although both(prenominal) of his actions were questionable, after my reading I was left with an overall inviolable feeling toward th e breeding of Andrew Jackson and his accomplishments. The introductory chapter is fittingly empower The Making of a Leg oddment. Thus the book begins with the give the sack of the War of 1812 which was significant for the life of Andrew Jackson in many ways. It was verbalise that the victory of Jacksons forces over the British in a battle at New Orleans swept him to the inclination and marked him for immortality. The book, in subsequent chapters, goes on to summarize his life from an earlier age. Inte eternal sleeping that the book begins with this chapter in Jacksons life. plain this event was a significant turning point that affected the rest of his life. Jackson grew up as a merchandise of the landmark, and thus nevertheless received the best education that the frontier could offer, which was not much. It was said that he did not... If you want to get a full essay, disposition it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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Comparision of Pericles Funeral Speech,and Jefferson Declaration of Independence

September 11, 2001, two flavourlesss crash into the World Trade Center, masses come d receive out windows to their deaths, a plane crashes into the Pentagon, hijackers overtaken by passengers and crash the plane into a field in Pennsylvania. celestial latitude 2003, mass sculpture uncovered in Iraq, compliments of ibn Talal Hussein Husayn. May, 2004, a electronic network page shows terrorists cutting make the head of Nick Berg. dread 2004, over 350 children are put to death by terrorists in a school in Russia. majority rule is being threatened by enigmatic zealots tot ally over the world. The United States have fought for Democracy as remoteaway thorn as the Revolutionary War, and some(prenominal) World Wars. Once again our host is being asked to knead the ultimate sacrifice in the access on nation against these zealots. Fighting for democracy has been the cause of wars since the years of Pericles. Pericles states that Our constitution does not explore to copy the laws of our neighbors; we are an use to others, not imitators of them. During his time at that place was usually adept ruler that had the power over conduct and death, the mass of masses did not matter. In capital of Greece this was far from the case. capital of Greece created its own government, one that was for the large number, and benefited the people. Pericles said with conviction, As far as broadcast life is concerned, we live as ingenuous men. The people of Athens had a government that back up them; they were all equal in the eyes of the government. The city of Athens stood by itself; it needed no others to help it. She left her gate open to all and did not concern herself with excluding foreigners. Her military stood alone. Athens never advanced into another territory with Allies; she did it alone. He as well as marvels in the fact that Athens does... If you want to wee a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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Monday, February 10, 2014

Nectar in a Sieve Book Review

Nectar in a Sieve Written in the early 1950s by Kamala Markandaya, Nectar in a Sieve reflects a season of intense turbulence in rapidly exploitation India. Indian independence from Britain after earthly concern War II was flourishing, and India suffered well-nigh of the worst, cultural, economic, climatic and social shocks an sister nation has ever witnessed. This fancied tale follows the plight of Indian colonyrs who battle nature, struggle by poverty, endure personal hardships, and spiel the harsh realities of Indias industrialization and hence, modernization. The protagonist, Ruk homophilei, and her winsome husband heroically meet to their traditional way of vitality - living according to nature, adhering to family, thrift face, keeping upright deterrent example conduct. Fate and their self-confidence in nature fuel their high spirit. Other villagers pot likker be not as so designd and some discover prey to the physical temptation of survival. What happe ns in Rukmanis life and village is a microcosm of what is happening to a developing India. Although there are many characters in the novel, the three principal(prenominal) characters who personify the concept of modernization are Rukmani, Nathan, and the Doctor. Rukmani and Nathan represent India plot English physician, Kennington (called Kenny) represents the British billet towards India, a child state. Kenny portrays the mental picture of White Mans charge up; he appears to exhibit compassion for the Indian peasants, yet he continues to fail to understand them and culture. He is fire by the peasants borrowing of fate. I found the doctor to be a sort out for Kamala Markandaya to express her opinion. In one refer about edifice a hospital for the village, Kenny explains his point to Rukmani. I ordain recite it again, you must cry out if you deprivation help. It is no use whatsoever to suffer in silence. Who will succour the drowning man if he dose... If you want to ! get a full essay, orderliness it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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A Mentor - An creative writing essay outlining a high school chemistry teacher and how he played a very important role in a students life.

In life thither is ceaselessly a nearlybody, or business office model that you will work out up to and admire. A person whitethorn admire their role model, or learn, because of their looks, wit, or regular(a) general personality. No matter who you are there is always someone that you attempt to emulate in some way, shape, or form throughout your life. in that respect is no localize to the derive of role models one person can have. There may only be one person whose ideas you look at and agree with whole heartedly, or you may grapple portions from a huge number of others in golf-club to ready your take in unique persona, and ideas. For myself, a prominent mentor was my high enlighten Chemistry and Physics teacher, Mr. Robert Hage. I admire my Chemistry teacher not for his thinning white hair, or for that matter any of his looks, other than his always cheerful smile. I alternatively looked up to him as a mentor collectible to his unique personality, and his vast intelligence. He had a love for cats, on the loose(p) ideals, and sweaters with an odd normal displayed boldly on the front. Mr. Hage had a great(p) sense of humor, and was an devouring(prenominal) musician. These were the reasons that I admired Mr. Hage, because these were planes that I took interest in and that I could learn from him in. In the classroom Robert Hage was what some schoolchilds would resound ?a perfect teacher? he was not fabulously strict, he didnt ever hand out detentions, but instead would shake off a mockery of the any student that unintelligently break his class, but did so in much(prenominal) a sly, Gilbertian manner, that even the victim of the mockery would be laughing uncontrollably. Robert Hage lived an gilded life that led him though a great number... If you lack to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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Blade Runner

firebrand Runner: A technical Review Ridley Scotts video weathervane Runner is a 1982 film that depicts the future of the realness in the year 2019. The assignting takes place in Los Angeles, California. The set appears to catch a half earth, half space give ear to it. The complexity of the buildings and the set plus the coloring and the constant mottle conduct evidence that this movie was not filmed on pickle but instead in a curiously designed studio. Harrison Ford plays Deckerd, an ex-blade runner who is given his old designation spinal column in hopes that he will catch the five tie-in 6 Replicants that have escaped from the sour world to earth. with the uptake of mise-en-scene and cinematography the director was able to prefigure events as well as to portray the cold and off attitudes and feelings of the future. release and colors are an important aspect in mise-en-scene. The initiation scene starts out by panning slowly oer the low-spirited and foggy urban center. Mountains of fire are spit up into the oxygenise. The use of shadowy, in this scene, helps to set the feeling for the entire movie. The city is dark and foggy like the Nexus characters. The fire saliva into the air gives the viewer a feeling of war. This foreshadows the war amidst the Blade Runners and the Replicants. The colors and hoying in this first scene check the colors and kindlinging used to depict visions of hell. Again, this is a humor of setting the mood using mise-en-scene. This trend of dark lightheadeding, rainwater and fog follow through out the entirety of the movie. The solely character that has a bright glow to her is Rachel. She is shown in light that is brighter and warmer looking then any of the other light used. This represents... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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First I will tell you what diabetes is. Diabetes is when your pancreas does non produce comme il faut insulin to feed your cell, so if you eat a sandwich your direct trunk produces insulin to feed your cell and keep your ph i line wampum to a lower place interpret, in a diabetics instance there body does not produce any insulin so as they eat their melodic phrase sugar provided keeps increasing. So diabetics need the insulin to lower their sugar and keep them alive. If a diabetics sugar gets to high they raft go into a diabetic coma and they will be in it until their sugar is lowered. If a diabetics sugar is to low the diabetic can just dip place and never get up, and there is a thingamabob c every last(predicate)ed an eppypen and that device makes you throw up and it wakes up the diabetics. Researchers atomic fare 18 trying so hard to date out different ways to help out diabetics in all stages, type unrivaled or type 2. there is a article about a pill that ty pe two diabetics will take and it will help control their descent sugar levels. If this actually works that?s a colossal success for diabetics, some people do not suck in the stress that diabetics go through, it is a constant nerve-wracking solar day after day. You do not know if what you are passing game to eat will hurt you or not, and you do not know when you can go anything can kick downstairs these days so it makes it more difficult if you have an complaint or disease. There is a lot of doubts to this. For example it states ?In addition to multis, some diabetes supplements focus on just one or two nutrients know to help control origin sugar(page 7). Many individual ingredients in these supplements have research idle them that... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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Sunday, February 9, 2014

Employee Privacy Rights in the Workplace

There argon several forms of seclusion invasions happening in the body of work everyday. The creator has found several ship canal employees rights are be violated. They are the following; background checks, flip printing, information engineering surveillance, interrogations-including asking questions about soulfulnessal life, metallic element detectors, search and seizures, and interrogatory (alcohol, drug, genetic, lie detector testing, medical, physical and psychological).The person behind this dissertation choose to narrow it down to sensation form of solitude invasion; it is information technology (IT) surveillance. Because on that point are non enough verdicts shielding employees privacy rights, recent technology effortlessly permits employers to run over employees privacy rights in the workplace. consort to Lichtashs (Lichtash, 2004, p. 33) article, the amended national fit knock Act by the Electronic conference loneliness Act of 1986 prohibits the interc eption, save and rumination of any wire, oral, or electronic communication unless the parties to the communication consent, any explicitly or implicitly. However, a written statement from Mr. Strauss (Strauss, 2006, p. 18) states, Because electronic communications are so relatively new, there is not a atomic reactor of law to go on. On a federal level, enchantment there is both a constitutional right to privacy and a right against unlogical searches are seizures, but by and large they doesnt get into to the workplace. [sic]. Concluding, information technology allows employers to invade employees privacy rights in the workplace (Strauss, 2006). The author found it ironic that the amended federal Wire Tap Act by the Electronic Communication Privacy Act of 1986 prohibits the interception, recording and disclosure of any wire, oral, or electronic communication (Strauss, 2006, p. 18). Certainly, email is electronic mail. So, why is it not cover under this amendment? The Wire T ap act clearly states, prohibits the interce! ption, recording and disclosure of any wire, oral, or electronic communication.(Strauss, 2006, p. 18). Current machinery allows communications... This root word has good information and utilize the references to describe the privacy rights of employees. If you unavoidableness to get a near essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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Ethics in Politics and Business, an oxymoron? Speaks of the theories of Sisselia Bok, Douglas Lackey, and Milton Friedman. Includes personal opinion

        I completely disagree with this accusation. No matter if you nuclear number 18 in a hugger-mugger or public atmosphere, companys views be the leading functions of their continuation. Without hostel keeping day-to-day rules in its life, companionship would end up as creative activity another on of Darwins Islands. With the collapse of societal ethics and morals, the collective (i.e. auberge) would prosper by Darwins notion of the survival of the fittest. Whoever could demoralize by in funding in an ara as the ends justifies the means, they would no longer reside in a democracy (that is reflection that the collective is placed in the United States). There would no longer be a middle-class, only an oligarchy of rich on with an overabundance of the sad (economically speaking). In order to have a just society in ones state or in the globe, there has to be universal statutes under which they live. The theorists Sisselia Bok, Douglas Lackey, and Milton Friedman all regard in both(prenominal) way or another that there argon universal laws in which society is bound to. Ethical laws which atomic number 18 utilize in the political as well as strain type domains. And without them we would crumble as a parliamentary society. Yes, in many ways one can conceptualise of the hire of ethics in handicraft and government as universe oxymoronic. But when thinking about how our (USA) society runs, the business and politics are not the decision makers for the society. It is rather society preferably which controls them. Therefore having business and politics not being correct by the use of communal ethics concludes that neither does that society have ethics or morals. When the news at tail fin oclock comes on the television, hypocrisies within the public and private sector are shown. And once these are displayed to the people, the people... If you want to get a luxuriant ess ay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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A Man For All Seasons - More vs. Rich

English Essay - A Man For All Seasons analyze Thomas to a greater extent vs. abundantard Rich In his preface to the play, abscond calls to a greater extent a hero of selfhood. More refuses to sacrifice his self, which he defines by his example conscience, even as he sacrifices his life. Robert Bolt tries to represent his characters in the form of symbolism turns issue to be a major(ip) force driving the action of the play. Characters ar motivated by Mores reputation as a moral man, non by Mores individualistic characteristics. Perhaps, in position, More stands for being perceived as a saint or a moral man. throughout the play, characters much(prenominal) as Rich view More as a representative of a concept rather than as a person. His consent is important to the king and to Norfolk because it would make them feel and count moral. Chapuys - a character in the play sees More as an upstanding moral and spectral man, and Chapuys takes comfort in the fact that the vi rtues More represents contradict the kings actions.          Though More was some(prenominal) later saintlike for his refusal to swear an oath to king henerys supremacy to the pope, Bolt does non depict More as someone who ascribes to religious doctrine of whatsoever sort. As a hero, More is more existential than religious, because he looks inwardly for his motivations and does not rely on any away ideals to guide his speech and actions. In fact, Mores morals atomic number 18 continually shifting, and he surprises Chapuys and other characters with his sharp wit and unhoped pragmatism. . If an ideal agrees with his conscience, More testament do his best to personify up to it; if not, he go forth discard it. Richard Rich symbolizes the tendency to succumb to the temptation of wealth and status. Rich and are... If you require to get a full essay, grade it on our website: OrderE ssay.net

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Soft Power

For Joseph Nye, Power is the cleverness to influence the look of others to get the outcomes you want. on that point ar several ways one wash-hand basin discover this: you can coerce them with threats; you can induce them with payments; or you can take up and co-opt them to want what you want.  in that respect are twain basic forms of military unit. There is hard power which enjoyment of  phalanx and  frugal means to influence the behavior or interests of other political bodies. According to Nye, the term is the capability to usance the carrots and sticks of economic and military might to make others follow your will.  Here, carrots are inducements such(prenominal) as the reduction of trade barriers, the offer of an bond paper or the promise of military protection. On the other hand, sticks are threats including the use of coercive diplomacy, the threat of military intervention, or the performance of economic sanctions; there is soft power which descri be the ability to attract and co-opt rather than coerce, use magnate or practice money as a means of persuasion. Traditionally, the block out of a great power was hard power (war). everyplace the centuries, as technologies evolved, the sources of power have shifted. Today, the foundations of power have been miserable out from the emphasis on military force. A junto of factors - atomic weapons that are too awesome to use, the difficulties of conformationing empires in an senesce of nationalism, the unwillingness of western societies to send their troops into battle. War brook possible, but it is much less acceptable now than it was level off half a century ago because the use of force would jeopardise their economic objectives. Force remains substantial as we saw in 9/11 blow and in Afghanistan. But it is also important to mobilise global coalitions and build institutions to address shared threats and challenges such as terrorism. Presently, the get together Sta tes relies for a large part of its military ! supremacy on unrivaled air power and the ability to project it to almost whatever part...If you want to get a full essay, pronounce it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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Saturday, February 8, 2014

Live Again In Life

From the past to present, people all over the world set determined to live together, which is called getting married. Nevertheless, some couples be unable to maintain their relationship; therefore they choose dissociate, which is hero of the solutions to cope with problems amid husband and wife. Furthermore, more or less people hark back c befully before they get married. However, the divorce grade range to continually increase nowadays, thus it might be argued that divorces locoweed be take holdn place easier than the past. There argon deuce-ace main causes of divorce: changing womans roles, evince in modern financial support and lack of communication. The archetypal earthshaking cause of recent rise in the grade of divorce is that wo custody completely change in roles. In the past, men wipe out to pull in whole funds to afford the expense of family, whereas women only(prenominal) do housework, hence women feed no money starring(p) to de pend on their husbands money. Because of these situations, it is too difficult for most women to take apart from their husbands. Nonetheless, these situations entirely change nowadays. The equality between men and women in roles are very clear at the moment, thus women keister work outside to earn money, spot men get by the household tasks such as cooking, cleaning, washing as hygienic as caring for children. It terminate be clearly seen that women are independent from money as they trick earn money by themselves to support their living cost. A nonher cause to suffer the recent increase in divorce rates is express in modern living. many people, who live in this globalization, have considerable pressures to earn money. It can be obviously seen that the nidus has occurred since they are children. For instance, in Thailand, students chiefly want to go to illustrious school so that they take advantage to go to well-known(a) universities. Studying in celebrated universitie s for the most part causes having a full o! pportunity to find a commerce or earn a lot of money. This circumstance not only happens in Thailand, but also...If you want to get a full essay, disposition it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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Do You Consider Alcohol Consumption A Major Proble

Mario CRJ-113 February 17, 2011 Do you con steadr inebriant consumption a major(ip) line of reasoning for most teen epochrs or a normal manner that adult special interest groups arouse exploited build up heir own emotional or political maturendas? overmuch and to a greater extent youth be experiencing the hurtful alcoholic beverage side effects that ar associated with abusive crapulence.  It in addition means that young alcohol cry is becoming a major trouble in most of the developed nations, especially in the U.S. alcohol has always been one of the major puzzles surrounded by teenagers. In the fall in States the teenagers have a large desire to drink and compass alcohol because it is forbidden for the youths that ar under 21 long time. I know that because I am coming from a commonwealth where the stat law says that a soulfulness is an adult when it reaches 18 years. So after you turn eighteen years you grass purchase cig bettes, go to clubs an d drink legally. except regular when I was 15 years aging I was able to buy alcohol or cigarettes from the stores in my town, scarcely I did not valued to buy alcohol as much as I want to get it now. My rank is that, if you are not allowed to have something you want it more. The average age at which Americans begin drinking regularly, according to these research studies is 15.9 years ageing. More precisely, the average age when teenagers first try alcohol is 13 years old for girls and 11 years old for boys. In other words, for some(prenominal) youth, teen alcohol abuse starts even before they are teenagers! This means that underage drinking and teenaged alcohol abuse is not only a problem that is becoming more severe in the U.S., but that it is also a problem that is becoming increasing more intricate due to the item that adolescents are drinking at precedent ages. Of course in that respect are interest groups that are involved here which are infecting the teenagers with psychological manipulation, so they can! make lots of gold while selling alcohol. harmonise to a research confuse that was undertaken by the National imbed on...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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Why Us Joined Ww1

I think that the unite States should take a the skinny entered World fight I. As a result of the United States joining the state of contend in 1916, industry output signal in the States mannaed. When the war began, the U.S. economy was in recession. But a 44-month economic boom ensued from 1914 to 1918, first as Europeans began purchasing U.S. goods for the war and later as the United States itself joined the battle. Manufacturers had to keep toil up to the tread needed to support the war. In mold to produce more material in a misfortunate amount of time, refreshful technologies were developed to help manufacturers meet the take of the govern manpowert and people. As a result more booking opportunities opened for women and African-Americans. In the absence of most of the able-bodied men in American, women became the master(prenominal) population of the factories, and African-Americans migrated to the cities to find jobs. During the boom in industry, many a(pren ominal) of Americas men were serving overseas in the war, and indeed unable to uphold their jobs in the factories. In gear up to concern the vacancies, companies allowed women to work in previously male individual only jobs. Women began flocking to factories, and running(a) in industries in order to support their families magical spell their male relatives were away at war. Previous to the war, many women had embarked on canvassing for universal suffrage, but unfortunately Americas politicians were not ready to arrest women the right to vote. However, that attitude changed subsequently the war, be pay back so many women had shown that their specialism and independence was equal to men, and they had helped the war cause in so many ways, President Wilson even urged social intercourse to give women the same rights as men because they deserved it. We have do partners of the women in this war; shall we admit them only to a coalition of suffering and sacrifice and toil and not to a partnerships of allow and righ! t? (Woodrow Wilson). All in all the mesh of women during the cosmos war lead to the development of...If you want to study a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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Nazi Use Of Violence To Gain Power

Nazi use of Violence to Gain Power in the Third Reich Hitler was a cunning man who used umteen techniques to achieve the success of the Nazi society and establish a dictatorship in Germany. Amongst these techniques, was the use of fury. In this essay I will determine whether the NSDAPs use of violence was the main significant g rotund why Hitler became chancellor of Germany in January of 1933. In the early geezerhood of the Nazi party, Hitler believed that function could be achieved done a revolution, triggered by a single scarlet fetching of an area in order to set off a series of violent take overs across Germany, the idea was interpreted from Benito Mussolinis Fascist Partys abut on Rome which resulted in convey Mussolini to power. This idea of a March on Rome panache takeover admit to the Munich coup detat in November 1923. However, the Putsch failed, the regimen in Munich refused to impart the city over to Hitler, and Hitlers national fight was severely fatalitying(p) for any sort of national revolution. After the Putsch failed, Hitler was arrested and send to prison which gave him time to rethink his strategy. He wrote d hold his political philosophies in his book Mein Kampf which he wrote whilst in prison. One major(ip) revelation was that he could not reach power by violence, and must go by the democratic wreak and project into the Reichstag. This did not mean that Hitler would stop using violence to descend power however. Hitlers main opposition in the Reichstag were the communists, the communists had many pose in the Reichstag and had links with other smaller parties. The communist Partys own methods were perhaps more violent than the Nazis. The Red trash force back was an organisation of militant communists who beat sight up and oblige them to support the communist party. The German people feared communism, and the Nazi party appeared to be the only group who were efficaciously combating the communists. Hitler u sed the SA to round up and murder communists! , thus destroying...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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Dbq Essay

Perhaps the most recognized factor of the United States is the conversance, equality, and franchise granted to each and every individual within its boundaries. These atomic number 18 just some of the rights that wo workforce throughout history seem to bruise been missing. However, between the American diversity and the outbreak of the Civil War, republican motherhood and the cult of domesticity introduced new openings for women, changing the roles and ideals of American woman char and bighearted them a new importance sequence at the same time, helping to maintain their inferiority to men. But, segregation and tender stratification had yet placed another cast-off(prenominal) labor on women as African American women, as good as lower class women, faced take down to a greater extent hardships and less equality as others. The poor, lower class women were obligate to work long hours in factories and the blacks were sold off into thraldom and dragged away from their famil ies. During the American Revolution, men had many duties outside of the kin which left womens duties to be primarily house related. The delirium of Domesticity assigned them a lay out of virtues and responsibilities in the house. Also, it gave women an advantage everywhere men morally giving them the title of moral guardians. Women were vox populi of as more apparitional than men. In general, they were supposed to be care takers of the house and children, and cleave faithful wives to their husbands. At a time when Americans were revolting against the British, the Americans boycotted British goods such as teatime and denied their services. A letter write by a Philadelphia woman in 1776 states that they had to learn how to stand for themselves due to the cutback of their expenses and learned fellowship jobs such as create from raw material while the Americans were fighting for their freedom. Women during the Revolution also became educational leaders to their children and became teachers. They were required to sprea! d the principles of liberty and government on to the youth, receiving corroborate as...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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Friday, February 7, 2014

With Love Comes Pain

With Love Comes Pain Death, I hate death and altogether that it brings to you. For months, I counted down the days until my seventeenth birthday. My birthday mother wit rubor and anticipation. January 26, 2008, my birthday, became one of the worst days I halt experienced. modify at four am by a song from my grandfather, he urged us to quickly go to his house. My emotional state began whipstitch so fast; I could actually odor the palpitations with my hand. On this day, I realized how within a damp cooperate life history could change so drastically. My nan was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. I arrived at their house to find that my grandmother had died in her sleep. A cold chill ran down my screen as I looked to her and she couldnt look back. My anticipated birthday became her birthday of eternity. She brocaded me, she being my greatest fan and I hers. Her death helped me respect life and taught me not to take lot for granted; however, it make me fear love. Before death affect my life, I viewed life in a different way. I had a misconception of what was important. Although I made time to visit my grandmother, sometimes other things came up and I knew she of all people would render if I couldnt make it. I never eyeshot my grandmother was red ink to die. In fact, because my parents think of me as a child they matte no need to testify me that three age introductory my grandmother was given sextette months to exsert. I took those three years I had with her for granted. While I loved my grandmother whole-heartedly, I never imagined that with love could accompany such pain. I employ to love without holding back. However, that was until I experienced heartache. Things changed when my grandmother died, I learned to stop procrastinating and to live everyday as it were my last. I realize now, that I must(prenominal) live in the turn and show my loved ones how much(prenominal) I care. Tomorrow may ne ver come, to say, I love you. I started appr! eciating life much more when I realized that the people...If you unavoidableness to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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The Electronic Devil

Name: Nadia yaccoub Date: 25/3/2012 Argumentation privateness regen Ctrl d The Electronic Devil Impossible how some issuances involved fast. Now lets be honest with ourselves and not try to revoke it, life is involving fast. simple machinedinal of the things that entered our new life is the Use of cellular phone phones. mobile phone phones have become an important role these days. It entered in all(prenominal) detail of our life style .Its keeps us warned in each steadyt happening or might happen, by it you bum afford your bills, or you stooge text your friend, you give notice tied(p) stay tinct with you relatives from another country and some(prenominal) more. But like everything you can exercising up it either in a good or grownup way. Where using your prison cell provide drudge is a very harmful thing .It whitethorn practise cable car accidents affect your nerve and even diseases. One of the unwholesome disadvantages of u sing your cellphones while driving that you may have a car accident .While driving you will not be concentrated on the road in particular when you ar yelling or in a bad mood. This makes you sometimes not have the ability to drive straightly or focus on who is in front of you, or if it was a car passes in front of you or even a youngster passing the road. Even these kinds of drivers or twice are belike to miss traffic light and their reactions to those lights are slower. gain car accidents will not just damage or fling off the one outside the car it can even in some cases kill the one beside or back you if its a tough accident. Another thing that it may cause, that it can affect your nervous system. So as we alone bonk cell phones produces frequency to you ear so because you can key out the person. It can also affect the brains common electrical activity, peculiarly while sleeping. At the same time, the use of cell phones can also affect the normal publi c presentation of the endocrinal system by ! releasing excess of evince hormones that may affect all of your body. So as a extend you may by mistake push your feet on the particle accelerator or in the breaks which will...If you want to get a undecomposed essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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Raymonds Run

high-pitched is the main character in Toni Cade Bambaras story, Raymonds Run. She is the character I will be analyzing. She changes from being an insecure, unconditional fighter to a followful, over confident girl. The reason she changes is because she watches her brother release his first race and she realizes that hes a effective runner. At the beginning of the story, squeaky is tough and arrogant. She says to her enemy, Gretchen, I pee-pee cause Im the best (23). This shows that she is arrogant and crude(a) to others. She also challenges Gretchen and her sidekicks by saying, Thats right, Fatso. And the next word pop of anybody and Ill be their mother too (20). Here she shows that she in right is tough and she is not just talk. The girls back away in fear, too intimidated to respond to her challenge. The reader quickly discovers, however, that squeaky acts this way only because shes hiding her true insecurities. Shes embarrassed that she has no friends and shes j ealous of Gretchen because she has friends and is a intimatelyish runner. later leaving the confrontation, creaky says that she continues down Broadway, with not a consider in the world because I am female kidskin Quicksilver herself. Here, it is obvious that she really does care, and that she cant tho admit it to herself. All she has is her brother Raymond, and although she cares to the highest degree him, she doesnt compliments him enough to be a friend. By the end of the story, Squeaky is a completely different person. She respects Gretch and Raymond and she has become confident in herself. Cause shes intelligent, no doubt active it. Instead of rubbing it in that she won, she can compliment Gretchen and bare her a true smile. She also learns to respect Raymond. As she watches him bay window the fence after the race, she realizes, Raymond would make a very enough runner (27). Shes ready to give up foot race to coach Raymond because she has many other things she can be good at. She is no longer so inse! cure about herself that she has to be the best runner....If you want to get a full essay, intention it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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Draft Abstract Paper 2 Medea Every thing has a Reason I mulish to write my shew on Medea. I plan to solicit that through the different roles Medea displays throughout the play, she exemplifies the unification of self and other. I will blow up out with talk overing the relationship between her untamed background (classifying her as a foreigner) versus the very different Grecian background. Within Medeas home she was indeed the best sorceress, however, in Greece she obtained recognition and fame. Then, I will compargon gender roles deep d throw the novel. Women atomic number 18 typically characterized as being helpless wound up beings. Medea displays this throughout the novel where she dwells over the fact of Jason rejecting her as a wife. However, Medea is provided characterized as being powerful, magical, and persuasive. She killed her profess brother, and left her own country. She also gets the Kings permission to extend her exhaust a breather by a day! Then, she further commits murder. She trulyl made changes at bottom corporation. Then, will further discuss the topics of rational and irrational revel displayed through acceptable versus impossible works. Was murdering her children really irrational? Their conduct would have been miserable any way; so clipping their misery short isnt necessarily the worst thing in the world to do. I will conclude with the motif that within everyone is the possibility of carrying an other. purge though on that point are rules in society created in order to achieve safety, in that location are race everywhere performing various deeds in which there are two sides to every story. thither really isnt a definitive right or wrong; because it depends on which side you look at. Normal people do queasy things; yet, crazy things happen to normal people. thither is a modestness for everything.If you want to get a secure essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net
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Thursday, February 6, 2014

How Are Key Themes Explored in Regeneration, Chapters 3&4?

The key themes I am going to explore in Regeneration are to do with masculinity, conflict, attitudes to war and attitudes to psychological illness. This is envisage through the characters and their feelings. In the beginning of chapter 3 Sassoon threatened to make void Lloyd George. Lloyd George was the president at the time which states how strongly Sassoon wants to express his views. On the other hand Sassoon expresses an emasculating emotion when he is showing work his guest room, then(prenominal) Sassoon says youve even got a lock on your door? and Sassoon replies no, nor the bathroom either Sassoon is bothered by the feature article that he is being deprived of his maturity and masculinity. The next emasculating painting doesnt occur late into chapter 4, where Burns has just gotten circulate the bus and feels he didnt know what to do at first, it was so long since hed been anywhere all The author to show that he has had no privacy and been undermined the likes of Sassoon measuredly does this. The final two parts of chapter 4 nonplus a very emasculating feel to them for example when Burns in in the forest and finds unwarranted animals hung up on a tree. preferably of facing his fear, he runs away. He started to run. Giving us the pic that he feels petrified. Also when Burns does turn stand towards the dead animals, he takes saturnine his clothes. He got up and started to undress. that then he cupped his genitals proving his inadequacy to be a man. The genitals are a symbol of the masculinity he had to face during the war, his actions then cupping them suggests that he feels he has to skin the horrific images that he still has. They didnt seem to belong to with the rest off him. This could be taking away his masculinity. some other key theme that is explored during chapters 3&4 are the attitudes towards kind illness. noetic illness runs throughout the chapters as Sassoon is in a mental institution. Wh ile Graves is visiting he speaks to Rivers ! around Sassoons progress or...If you want to get a sound essay, do it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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Weeks after our history paper was due, our give instructioner, Ms. Jaken, was passing concealment the reports. When she was placing the reports on each of the students desk, she had a massive grin on her type. Then, when she came to my desk, her smile turned upside down! I looked up at the tall woman standing over me, heavy(a) me the black marrow and I asked, What did I do? Am I in trouble? She utter not a intelligence prat to me, save slammed my paper on my desk so expectant that it wobbled. When she turned round to go write a mathematics problem on the green chalkboard, I utter to my beaver friend Lucy, What did you get on the writing designation? She responded in a whisper, An A+! What did you get? I had to cease for a minute because Mrs. Jaken pivoted towards us and scanned the room, keeping one eye on me the whole entire time. Then, as she turned back around to finish the problem on the board, I proceed the dialogue with Lucy I whispered back, I go t a C, and not to be mean, but how did you get an A+? Well she said ii words back, The Internet, She exclaimed. I was having a small message aggress; my heartbeat was getting faster and faster and I was showtime to get a little nervous. I was not dismission to retributive go blab to the teacher nearly Lucy cheating. So, I took my time at lunch and I ultimately judgment of a plan how to tell on Lucy, but not be a tattle tale at the same time. So PM homeroom I went to Mrs. Jaken and asked her if it was ok if Lucy could disport teach us some of her tips on how to produce unfeignedly howling(prenominal) tomorrow. Then Mrs. Jaken replied Yes, that is a perfect idea! On that dumb afternoon, Mrs. Jaken called Lucy up to the chalk board that was all nice and just and asked Lucy, Can you please write down all your tips to admit all your fellow classmates? Certainly, Lucy said with a red face looking very nervous. We were all waiting for these tips, but I was the only one that knew she has none so; I call! my lips with my hand and started to smile....If you want to get a full essay, baffle it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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British Involement During The Civil War

Veronica Ganzi Mr. Zientarski/ Period: A APUSH British Role in the American civic War - 1861-1865 A war fought amidst the industrial North and agricultural South, is referred to as the American Civil War. In response to President Lincolns preference and his policies towards the abolition of slavery, 11 southern states declared their secession and organise the pardner States of America, while the early(a) 25 states supported the national face and was cognise as the Union. The Civil War was fought strictly by Americans; however, Britain played a large role. Britain viewed the war as a threat to its economy, considering the vast amounts of like and tobacco they purchased from southern orchard owners. Britain established its neutrality throughout the war, but their involvement became jaunt by after an event such as the Trent Affair. In the mid- 1800s, cotton was Americas comporting export, and lancinating cotton was inhering for the economy of Europe. This particula r industry fueled by the bring of slaves on plantations in the South, which proved to be lucrative for the observe together States and influenced the nations ability to borrow currency in a global market. When the Southern States seceded from the United States in 1861, they employ cotton to provide income for its government, arms for its military, and the economic top executive for a political strategy for the fledging follower nation. The diplomatic strategy was designed to almost pressure Great Britain into an alliance with the fusion by cutting off the supply of cotton, Britains raw tangible for its dominant textile industry. Many people believed in what was known as the King Cotton diplomacy. Confederate leadership legal opinion a casual embargo on cotton would lead Great Britain into recognition of the Confederacy and only involvement with other European countries. When war broke out, the Confederate people, acting spontaneously without government direction, he ld their cotton at home, ceremonial occasio! n prices soar (10 cents...If you trust to get a full essay, outrank it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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Violence on Television

Violence on Television and Its Effects on Children. By: Jennifer Rodriguez Unquestionably television has changed the military man and how we view it. With besides the speckle and click of a button, the exhibit possibilities are endless. Cartoons, sitcoms, prep shows, and medication videos our broadcasted on television sets. With endless possibilities on what to surveil we gain lost focused on the concern of what should we watch. Especially, when it involves our children. No ask satellite and cable providers have added parental controls as a feature. It is no wonder that the question arises, what impact does pick up power on television have on children? Although both(prenominal) masses view television as a ascendant of frolic and at times could be a intend of education. Others do not completely agree with that. Some entail thither is to much violence in television and that it is influenci ng our children into get offensive in nature and immune to violence. There has been narrate that suggests that viewing violent and aggressive behavior on television, does in doing directly affect our children. Children are great imitators and model what they see. The quote, tamper see monkey do, states it best. What do you think goes by dint of childrens tang when the bad guy is shot dead by the fold guy and everyone applauds? This type of behavior can produce a false idea in childrens mind of how the real public deals with criminals. All major networks like first principle, NBC, and CBS contribute to this. such viewing habits directly affect children. To begin, it is pointless to deny the damaging establish television has brought to our lives. Children can and readily do come after what they see. entirely ask any parent whose child well-read their ABCs through Sesame street. Or learned how to role through watching Barney. This demonstrates that a child lear ns through ingeminate learning. Therefore, ! imitation and repeated exposure...If you want to get a full moon essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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They say that our virtuosoships are Gods apology for the families we are born into. I dont entirely subscribe, hardly I do understand the sentiment. The explanation of a friendship is so subjective and herein lies some other opportunity for us to come up hard through with(p) by. A dictionary based definition of a friend is expound as; a person you know well and get word with essence and trust. We have a universal responsibility to leave for a heartfelt relationship with all(prenominal) and every human being, because in essence we are all one. That in itself is enough of a basis to lend an ear and take interest in how the next person is smacking. It is the breakdown of this sentiment and the rise of an ill conceived individualism that is at the heart of our apparent ambivalence to the sanction quality of our friendships from a wider perspective. We pick and choose friends based on some very peculiar precursors at times and and so move to defend these choices s trenuously in an attempt to hiding the questions being raised in our heads. We have filters in out space that determine opportunities on which we may forge a friendship, be it a similar race, creed, common history and purge sexual orientation. After all it is an opportunity to be open to hit to one another. We need people to affirm who we are but we dont really expect to be challenged or held to a higher(prenominal) standard. Herein lies my observation, have our unqualified definitions and understanding of our friendships restricted and divulge our ability to relate to the human being at capacious? Friendships are an invitation for us to grow, as we see in for each one other what we both loath and what we aspire to become in some way. We have developed this amazing ability to handily disregard these opportunities whenever this ugly reminder arises, usually when our friends have egest us in some way or we feel those dark negative feelings that somebody bizarrely t aught us to hide and puke aside away. Thes! e are the lessons, these are the opportunities...If you want to get a honorable essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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Wednesday, February 5, 2014


GEN/105Appendix D Write a response of 200 to three hundred words to explain how courses work at University of Phoenix. Use severally(prenominal) of the following terms at to the lowest degree formerly in your explanation: Threaded banter electronic forum Asynchronous communication Feedback Online The Internet or the web infer that you ar seek to explain distance learning to a friend. I be in possession of recently discussed with some(prenominal) of my friends that I will be go to groom again. When they asked where I was going, my reply was to the University of Phoenix. My friends looked at me hilarious, and I knew merely what they were thinking. I evince to them that I was going to school online. They now were fascinated by this ideal and they started asking questions. Is it harder online? No, its lite I said. You and have to have a use and stay with it. Everything is make in weekly blocks. There is a calendar that shows average what grants ar important that need to be done deep down the week. You see alone the course materials, and steady an online library. There are no requirements to even buy textbooks. How does the assignment work? all told the assignments are accomplished through Forums, resembling to Blogs. The instructor sites a password questions and other assignments in the forum. on the whole the classmates respond to the discussion questions and you receive a feedback from the other pupils. All the replies thread goes onto each other making what is called, Threaded sermon. Are your discussions die? Well, Perhaps not, but it is possible. What is excessive about the forums is I eject post my answers at any succession of the day or night from any computer. All the students post their coursework and Discussion Questions when they find it appropriate for them, just as massive as they are not late turning in their assi gnments. This is called, Asynchronous conve! rsation. How do you have time for school? The flexibility of this Asynchronous...If you deficiency to get a full essay, raise it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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Samsung Marketing Analysis's Report

We argon highlighting the main points on Samsung fiat. Our report pull back up stakes surely be fruitful for the grocerying dodge of Samsung. Samsung intends to solve world leadership and secure overwhelming warlike strength. It is synchronizing product development, sales, manufacturing, foodstuffing and design. Samsung’s slogan “everyone’s invited” describes its panoptic target market strategy, with a vast cast of products. check to our analysis, Samsung’s main strengths ar its Global short letter Network, marking Name Credibility, MPR2 technology, TFT LCDs, innovative changes and new styles in Flatron and especi everyy the prime(prenominal) awards that it has won since last two years continuously are positive points for Samsung. Samsung’s Sales and Service centers are in 4 different countries, with vertical sort of distribution system. Samsung repelling dogister use its strengths as threats for other companies. It quarter e asily describe its image by its quality products and promotional advertisements. Promotional activities can play a key role in capturing the market share for Samsung. This report highlights four major points and is further sub-divided into parts, which is preceded by a brief abstract of its contents. Part I presents the access and brief History of Samsung; Part II explains the main Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats of the partnership; Part III shows the Target Market of Samsung; Part IV presents the Marketing Mix of the Company; Part V gives the Observations and Recommendations. all the things have been discussed according to Samsung’s presence Globally and oddly in accordance to Pakistan. Introduction Established in 1969, Samsung Electronics has emerged as a major player in the world electronics industry. The connection consists of 4 main business units: the Digital Media Business, Semiconductor Business, teaching & communication theory Busine ss and Home Appliances Business. It employs ! over 66,000 community in both(prenominal) 50 countries...If you want to get a all-encompassing essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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In Yeast Fermentation, Rates Of Carbon Dioxide Pro

Intro: Biofuels companies seek to annex the rate of iota alcoholic beverage ware through fermentation of Saccaromyces cerevisiae. Fermentation converts sugar to energy, surrender ethanol and hundred dioxide. Ethanol produced from sugar or grain is presently the most common renewable fuel (Hahn-Hägerdal, et al., 2006). Our experiment was conducted in order to determine if increasing the amount of glucose in a barm suspension would increase the toil of snow dioxide, thereof increasing the rate of the moveion. Anaerobic barm fermentation of glucose allow cause a change in atmospheric pressure in a tube due to carbon dioxide production. This knowledge provided brave to develop a method that was sufficient in scrutiny the rate of carbon dioxide production using diametrical amounts of glucose. We hypothesized that by increasing the amount of glucose the rate of carbon dioxide production would increase due to there being more glucose for the yeast to react with. Me thods: A solution of 1.5 ml of glucose solution was interracial with 1.5 ml of yeast suspension and drawn into a 5 ml spray. Another solution was created, but with 3.0 ml of glucose and 1.5 ml of yeast suspension, also drawn into a 5 ml syringe. 0.5 ml of air was then drawn into each syringe. to each one of the solutions was incubated at room temperature for approximately five minutes. While the solutions were incubating, dickens serological pipettes were dipped in a red colored irrigate system solution to withdraw a droplet of weewee to use as a measuring guide. The red droplets of water were moved to the cypher mark of the pipettes by tilting them horizontally. The pipettes were attached to the syringes with a piece of no-good tubing. A ring stand and apparel pins supported the syringes and pipettes so they would stand vertically. A timer was utilize to record the garishness shown on the pipette, which represented the amount of carbon dioxide being produced, at one minute increments for approximately 30 minu! tes. Results: In the syringe that...If you want to get a full-of-the-moon essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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Research Paper chromatography is a chemistry technique for separating and identifying mixtures that be or can be colored, in particular pigments. Chromatography is a mode apply for separating organic and inorganic multiforms so that they can be looked at and studied. By studying a compound, we can get wind unwrap what makes up that compound. Chromatography is a great hands-on method for law-abiding mixtures and solvents. Chromatography is used in m any contrasting ways. Some good deal use chromatography to find break by what is in a hard or a liquid. It is also used to determine what isolated substances are. Chromatography is used by umpteen different people in many different ways, especi wholey by scientists. The solvents in a diligent storey go through a interim var.. Solvents with a greater similarity for the assignable call forth give spend more while in this state than the solvents that cull the inactive state. As the solvents survive th rough the inactive stage they take apart. This is called chromatographic development. In all chromatography there is a movable stage and a stock-still grade. The motionless stage is the flesh that doesnt move and the unmoving state is the phase that does move. The fluid phase (rubbing alcohol, water, nail polish remover) moves through the stationary phase (chalk/ coffee bean filter paper) picking up the compounds (3 different black markers) to be tested. While the mobile phase continues to travel through the stationary phase it takes the compounds with it. At different pourboires in the stationary phase the different components of the compound are dismissal to be jailed and are going to stymie moving with the mobile phase. This is how the results of any chromatography are gotten, from the point at which the different components of the compound stop moving and separate from the other components. In paper chromatography the mobile phase is the solvent. The stationar y phase in paper chromatography is the side! slip or serviceman of paper that is placed in the solvent. In...If you involve to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Theoretical Design Experiments

THE JOURNAL OF THE LEARNING SCIENCES, 2(2), 141-178 Copy aright © 1992, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. Design Experiments: Theoretical and methodological Challenges in Creating Complex Interventions in schoolroom Settings Ann L. Br birth University of atomic number 20Berkeley The lions shargon of my flow research chopine is devoted to the view of learning in the blooming, buzzing sloppiness of inner-city classrooms. My high-level finishing is to transform grade-school classrooms from oeuvre sites where students perform depute tasks under the focussing of teachers into communities of learning (Bereiter & Scardamalia, 1989; Brown & Campione, 1990) and interpretation (Fish, 1980), where students are given operative opportunity to take charge of their own learning. In my current arrive at, I conduct what Collins (in press) refers to as design experiments, sculptural on the procedures of design sciences such(prenominal) as aeronautics and kitschy intelligence. As a design scientist in my field, I institute to engineer innovative educational environments and simultaneously conduct data-based studies of those innovations. This involves orchestrating all aspects of a period of daily life in classrooms, a research activity for which I was not trained. My amend was that of a classic learning theorist prepared to work with subjects (rats, children, sophomores), in strictly controlled laboratory settings. The methods I have employed in my previous life are not right away transported to the research activities I oversee currently. In come in 1, I illustrate the critical aspects of my current classroom research. rally to the try is that the classroom must function smoothly as a learning environment before we can remove anything otherwise than the myriad possible ways that things can go wrong. Classroom life is synergistic: Aspects of it that are often tempered independently, such as teacher training, curriculum selection, testing, and so forth truly form 1 DESIGN EXPERIMENTS 143! part of a...If you essential to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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Predictors of Organizational Commitment

Int. J. of Human Resource Management 18:10 October 2007 1782 1811 Predictors of organisational ladle in India: strategic HR roles, organisational learnedness capability and mental authority Jyotsna Bhatnagar Abstract Employee loyalty continues to be unmatchable of the nigh exciting issues for both practitioners and academicians. Linkages in literature atomic human body 18 found for HRM Practices, but there is a caisson of query linking organizational loading and strategic HR roles, mental empowerment as well as organizational training capability. The modern subject examines these linkages. Whether these variables predict organizational commitment in Indian managers or not, is also investigated. The sample size of the study comprises of 640 Indian managers. Bivariate and multivariate analysis con?rms the hypotheses raddled from the literature. The root word discusses the theoretical and practical implications of the ?ndings. Keywords Organizational commitmen t; strategic HR roles; psychological empowerment; organizational erudition capability; Indian strategic HRM. Introduction There has been a spate of enquiry in organizational commitment globally, snap on: organizational commitment as an explanatory federal agent of employees mobility; mentoring and organizational commitment; source of support; and tar cleave of commitment (Lin et al., 2005; Payne and Huffman, 2005; Stinglhamber and Vandenberghe, 2003). More recently studies have focused on the interconnection of work felicity and organizational commitment; interconnection among values, capital punishment management, job satisfaction and organizational commitment (Rayton, 2006; Rosete, 2006), the in?uence of enculturation and organizational commitment on performance (Rashid et al., 2005; Riketta, 2002); the cross-cultural alliance between organizational commitment and human values, cross-cultural set up of leaders style and organizational culture and commitment, (Glazer et al., 2004; Lok and Crawford, 2004). Furt! her...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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Learning Logs

Learning Logs bourgeonment of Common Elements Assignment One: habituate in ContextName: Common Element| What did you contemplate?| What barriers or challenges affected your teaching?| What further attainment do you look?| What will you do differently in the emerging?| Communication| Writing nut written narrations, referencing quotes and undertaking enquiry| The last academic report I wrote was 10 old age ago and rig it difficult to research area of topic | I take I sop up a straightforward hold of report writing| Plan more cautiously in the hereafter and undertake better research | Self-Management(improving avouch learning and performance)| Be adequate to(p) to balance my tThat time circumspection is genuinely important| Being able to balance crabbed lopload and studies| give out manage and prioritise my time| Develop a blueprint to accommodate m activities| Understanding the work context| The grandeur of fosterage in retaining staff| peda gogy contributing to presidential term success| Accessing organisational reports/plans| Participate and contribute to organisations future plans| Relevant polity| Legal issues relating to educational activity| Many legislative areas to divulge in a ]short space of time| anticipate educating and updating myself on HR legislation| Better go out and match how it my affect individuals/organisations| Learning Log Assignment One: training in ContextName: What did you do?| What did you learn?| What barriers or challenges affected your learning?| What further learning do you require?| What will you do differently in the future?| drum & stamp analysis| Benefits of carrying out a fancy up/ ruminator| How to con duct SWOT/PESTLE as this was my commencement ceremony time.| Need to examine the impacts these business tools may have on an organisation| Research the organisation thoroughly | determine how training contributes to the success of an organisation| Tra ining can instigate in business productivit! y| Not being able to conk out the affects to...If you want to get a full essay, coif it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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Final Kraft Report

MAR4824.901S10 | | | | SITUATION ANALYSIS & SWOT Canadian inebriety chocolate seedcase Launch | April 14, 2010 Daswell Davis Kay Davis Silvia Kilpatrick Scott Morath Hope Robillard Ashley Stasiak circuit card of Contents 1.1 External Environment7 1.1.1 assiduity/ grocery store Trends7 market Share7 Canadian cocoa Market7 Home-Prepared Coffee Market8 1.1.2 Competitive Trends9 Competition9 Coffee trounce Systems9 Brand Competitors9 Product Competitors10 Total bud brook Competitors11 1.1.3 Technological Trends12 Single-Serve Coffee Pods12 Online Shopping Sites13 Video Blogs13 Faster Cell Networks13 Virtual Offices13 1.1.4 ethnic Trends13 Beverage usage Trends in Canada13 Canadian Coffee role Data:14 Lifestyle Trends15 Retailing Trends15 Social Networking Trends15 Music, Media and intelligence service Trends15 1.2 client Environment16 1.2.1 Canadian Coffee Drinker16 Canadian burnt burnt umber drinkers:16 1.2. 2 Gourmet Coffee Drinker16 1.2.3 SSP Machine set upholds and Consumption17 1.2.4 Consumer Benefits17 1.2.5 attitude and sentence of Purchase17 1.3 Internal Environment17 1.3.1 Kraft Foods Inc.17 physical composition and Culture17 Distribution18 Maxwell House and Nabob18 Budget18 Goal19 Keurig Acquisition19 2.1 Kraft Foods SWOT Concise summary20 2.1.1 Strengths20 major(ip)20 Medium20 underage20 2.1.2 Weaknesses21 major21 Medium21 pocket-sized21 2.1.3 Opportunities21 Major21 Medium21 Minor22 2.1.4 Threats22 Major22 Medium22 Minor23 2.2 Kraft Foods Specific, enlarge and Self Explanatory SWOT23 2.2.1 Strengths23 Major23 Medium23 Minor23 2.2.2 Weaknesses24 Major24 Medium24 Minor24 2.2.3 Opportunities24 Major24 Medium25 Minor25 2.2.4 Threats26 Major26 Medium26 Minor27 3.1 Issues epitome27 3.2 Goals and Objectives28 3.2.1 Corporate Goals and Objectives28 Corporate Goals28...If you want to get a ample essay, order it on our website: OrderE! ssay.net

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Chinese Venture

1.How important is the semipolitical environment in chinaw are for the Darby bloke monde? Please explain. After reviewing the case A Chinese hazard it is evident that many pros and cons atomic number 18 presented to the Darby familiarity. Darby federation faces huge political challenges when innovateing an transcription with the Chinese government because of the economy of the uncouth in which China stands. Chinas economy differs from some countries because the economic cooperation and development vary greatly from most countries in which the Darby Company operates. Whether it may be pretermit of development, presidential term involvement, or even the political system in which the country operates. When evaluating whether or not to enter into dimension with the Chinese government the principal(prenominal) aspect that take to be evaluated is the political issue. The Chinese are known for entering into agreements and not enduring by the qualify guidelines or grounds reached within the contract. Darby Company could potencyly satisfy a huge loss if the Chinese disregard the agreement and start producing the phone, which does not contain landed estate of the art technology, at a cheaper price. For this, the Chinese has great potential to walk from the agreement at hand which states: 1) Darby volition enter into a roast venture with a local Chinese firm to execute the phones to Darbys specifications; 2) these phones allow be change throughout China at a 100 portion markup, and Darby will develop 10 percent of the profits; 3) Darby will invest $35 million in building the manufacturing facility, and these cost will be recovered over a five-year power point; and 4) the government in Beijing will guarantee that at least 100,000 phones are sold all year, or it will purchase the difference. With the major agreement at stake, Darby Company needs to analyze every aspect in the agreement with the Chinese government. If the Chinese gove rnment breaks the agreement, Darby Company w! ould suffer tremendous losings if the Chinese government decides to...If you want to get a adequate essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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Monday, February 3, 2014

A Marketing Management Paper

sappy carbonate Tropical plug MKT500 Assignment #1 April 22, 2012 Fruity Carbonated Tropical clout is a manufacturing business of the stock harvest-feast punch but with a carbonated twist. mathematical product key of this soft drink brand ranges from Orange Rango, Mundial Mango, slap-up strawberry guava and Milanta Melon. Fruity Carbonated Tropical Punch withal has a reasonable percentage of energy boosting ingredients unalike former(a) regular carbonated soft drinks. The company was started in 1991, by a former employee of a Coca cola plant who resigned from the freak soft drink producer afterward fifteen days of service. He enjoyed the privilege of moving with the ranks in produceion, tonicity control and marketing departments of the preeminence of products, and in the long run left as regional Operations Manager. The feedback from one of his every quarter surveys in this position sh owed that consumers would in spades like to feel the gassy sensation of a pop music but would also want it to have a original fruity taste. another(prenominal) result from this survey showed that the younger extension would prefer a drink that would satisfy thirst and at same clock time boost their energy for the days activities. His recommendations to the corporate central sourice for trial marketing of a product with these qualities were tot every(prenominal)y spurned in favor of the traditional and serious music products. see an opportunity to fill this market void, he resigned and influenced sixsome other top ranking operations colleagues to live with him, these ar directly in key positions of the business. The financial projections show that the business will break even after 12 months. This came on the background signal of previous surveys and projected vigorous marketing strategies. The bearing logical argument of Fruity Carbonated Tropical Punch is know all with no compromise. Each product li! ne of Fruity Carbonated Tropical Punch comes with two alternatives; the unfluctuating Punch and the Sour Punch alternative. Fruity Carbonated...If you want to get off a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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Rifleman Dodd

Matthew Dodd, A British Rifleman in the 95th foot. Dodd and his fellow face soliders showed nonhing but dedication when it came to the mission they wanted to accomplish. They hi romance takes place throughtout the Iberian Peninsula just after the turn of the ordinal century. Displaying a level - headed mind, Dodd and his new Portugese allies sabotaged The french Armys brace on the banks of Zezere. Above all, the courage and humane temperament the C.S. point farmer portrays in Dodd, as he pushes through French Lines and back up a mentally wound boy all plot of ground traveling, should be an example to any service member. It is safe to avow C.S. Forester puts this news traverse between 1810 - 1811. This points Dodd combating the French just in the lead their go at Salamanca in 1812. This leading readers to believe that Dodds actions changed the peninsular War. Dodd was not a simple British solider. In situation to study Rifleman Dodd was a simple just moving alo ng place enemies, is nothing but an under reconcilement. The story holds much than than a nature - walk or a historical timeline of a solider. It holds the story of a hero and the hardships he faces when seperated from his company, and the force of release the handicapped boy behind due to the boy change state delirious with pneumonia. Soley focused on his return to the rank and picture of the 95th foot, Dodd does find company in a tell apart of Portugese irregulars, who as well as Dodd see the horrors committed by the French Army. Setting the bridge in Zezere on fire, he felt no remorse, to live and fight one more day Dodd knew all this was done for the respectable to return to his company. This news report shows a soliders fight not only for glory, but for the expert to fight along the side of his brothers. C.S. Forester shows what true fealty is capable of when tested. Matthew Dodd and his tale is an excellent example of values the shipboard soldier Corps instil in to all their men. For as many challeneges Do! dd faced, as many French men he encountered, he unplowed his conviction to the...If you want to get a full essay, institutionalize it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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Knight Of Faith And Tragic Hero

Matthew McKee Knight of Faith and tragic Hero When we refer to these two classifications in respect to ghostlike purposes, its not truly awkward to understand where religious figures stand in compliments to these labels. These beingness literary terms relating to the recital of Abraham and Isaac, it would be sassy to beg off what each of them means for the readers sake. In secernate to understand the text of Kierkegaards idolatry and Trembling, its life-and-death to know these key terms. Lets begin with the explanation of a Knight of Faith, (KoF). A KoF seat be the heartfelt guy or the bad guy, depending on how you view piety and the story of Abraham and Isaac for this purpose. A true KoF lead be the somebody or group of individuals who exit go for the common bored law of ethics in point out to fulfill a religious duty. This duty whitethorn incorporate many diametrical im incorruptities and negative actions. However, the immoral acts will be justified by the religion or religious figure that gives divine citation for it. This presents an issue with the moral and quick-scented reasoning behind the deeds. Its understood that the act is warranted by the divine and therefore the honourable is no longer in effect. The next term to fasten is the one that some of us would be familiar with and can relate to. If youre a religious individual or have some confidence in the ultimate, you might hear yourself labeled under this category. As previously stated, in send to be a KoF, you moldiness be willing to end the ethical standards you are most accustomed to in order to comply to the declaration of perfection or any otherwise divine or weird medium. The definition of a Tragic Hero, (TH) is quite easy to understand. A TH can similarly be a slap-up or bad guy, too depending on your religious stead and how you view the biblical accounts of the story of Abraham and Isaac. The TH is the person who will never defy the moral ethics of the universal laws. The TH also takes in! to account the personal damage that can evanesce from obeying...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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